AdWords accounts with a BROAD MATCH / EXACT MATCH bidding strategy can be very labor intensive. Besides the normal work on an AdWords campaign, new, EXACT Match keywords have to be excluded from the BROAD Match campaign. A hard work, which is rewarded with better CPC’s, because it doesn’t compete on its own. In order to reduce this work to a minimum, we have developed a script that does this work.
The script checks campaigns with [Campaign Label], collects all keywords of the ad group(s) with the [Source Label] and adds them as negative keywords in the ad group with [Target Label]. This deletes all existing negative keywords at ad group level.
Setup of the Auto Exclude AdWords Scripts
- Script in the MCC level.
- Open Google Docs Spreadsheet.
- copy spread sheet id into the script.
- Script Authorize.
- prefillSpreadsheet to „true“, save and run preview.
- Label Assign names for Campaign Label, Source Label (Exact Match ad group(s)) and Target Label (Broad Match ad group(s)) in spreadsheet.
- Assign appropriate labels to Kamapgnen and AdGroups.
- „Preview“
- If the test is satisfactory, run script and set to daily execution.
Comments / Limitations / Notes
- The current version is script tested at MCC level only.
- The script is strongly inspired by this DSA Script. The original script also runs at account level.
- The current version has not been tested for fault tolerance. Please comment bugs in this post.
- A further development for further requirements is gladly possible. Please comment!
V 0.01 added (tests only on MCC level)
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