Of course, one knows the number of contacts through a contact form. After all, you answer them yourself. But what about newsletter subscriptions, for example, how do my Facebook posts affect things, and where do the visitors who are eager to interact come from? Google Analytics Conversion Tracking can answer this question perfectly. I’ll show you how to set it up here.

Add Google Analytics Event Code to Contact Form 7.

The Event Code consists of a Tracker Event, which can be inserted in the contact form under Additional Settings.

on_sent_ok: "ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: 'Formular', eventAction: 'Anfrage', eventLabel: 'Privattour', eventValue: 50});"
Contact Form 7 Google Analytics Tracking

Contact Form 7 Google Analytics Tracking

Those who want to modify the code can do so manually, or use this Event Tracking Code Generator. Then save the form and submit a test. The changes in Google Analytics are usually displayed from the new day onwards. Afterwards, you can find the tracked events in Google Analytics under Behavior Events.

Make Google Analytics Event visible as a Goal

Most of the time, however, you want to make the tracked event visible as a Google Analytics Goal so that it can be evaluated against other goals there as well. To achieve this, you need to define a corresponding goal. Navigate to Admin Goals (right column). There, set the goal in 3 steps:

Set up Google Analytics Goal for Contact Form 7 1

Choose custom goal setup.

Define Goal Description  Type

Define Goal Description Type

Set up Google Analytics Goal for Contact Form 7 2

Define the fields according to the values previously set in the event.